Monday 22 January 2018

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Various types of birds will showcase different characteristics. These are habitual and sometimes are because the bird is searching for food. The woodpecker is one species of bird that is known for the peculiar habits. One of the habits includes banging on your house. If you have a wooden part of your house, you will notice that the woodpecker likes to bang on the specific part. This is a common habit especially for those living in woodpecker infested neighborhoods. Here are some of the reasons why you will see this special bird banging on your house every other morning.

To Proclaim the Territory

Animals, the human beings, and also the birds are intelligent enough to know where they live and the territorial boundaries. This is one of the ways that the birds are gifted with. You will notice that the birds will hardly get lost and every evening they return to a specific nest even if there are hundreds of them in one tree. The woodpecker is known as one of such birds. Therefore, to proclaim the territory, they love to hammer on the house or another wooden part that is near them. As they bang on the house, they are proclaiming that territory and the sound they make is known to be attractive to the mates. Surprisingly, during the mating season, you will not notice this banging. This is because the woodpeckers are already in their mating places.

Woodpeckers Hammer on the House to Make a Nest

The woodpecker will mostly hammer on the house because they want to make a nest in the place they are hammering. Therefore, to make a nest cavity, they will hammer on the house until they make a hole that is large enough to make a nest on. This is usually at the beginning of the breeding season, and the hole is usually round and large enough to house the bird. Therefore, if you don’t want to give them an opportunity to breed in that place, you should get rid of them immediately when they begin hammering.

Looking for Food

If there are insects on the wood, the woodpecker will hammer to feed on them. Therefore, you will notice that the holes are scattered on different parts as compared to those made when the bird wants to create a nest. To get rid of a woodpecker that is feeding on the insects, you need to make sure you call an exterminator who will get rid of the insects and the woodpecker will also go away. They are fond of the larvae of the carpenter bees, the leafcutter bees and also the grass bagworms.

They Hammer to Store Food

The woodpeckers are intelligent, and they know they need to keep the excess food for a rainy day. Therefore, you will find that they hammer on the house to make holes in which they can store the food. They will then stuff the food into the holes to make sure it is safe inside there.

These are some of the reasons why you will see the woodpecker hammering on the house. You need to get rid of the woodpecker immediately to avoid damaging the wood of the house.

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