Friday 31 March 2017


A big celebration, such as a birthday, anniversary or a wedding, is a memorable occasion, shared with family and close friends- a day that should be considered special and unique, and one that adds value and depth to family stories and photo albums. A celebration such as this requires a lot of tedious, extensive planning, and ultimately could be very costly. Families, couples and individuals looking forward to such a grand occasion require a trustworthy extra set of hands to put matters into, that would be able to look into menial tasks that could otherwise spoil your expectations of the special day.
When looking to celebrate the amazing occasion, there are numerous Catering Companies In cape Town to choose from. Considering the high level of uniqueness of the celebration to both you and your family, you need to choose carefully and decide wisely before trusting a catering company with the preparation for your special day.
There are specific qualities in catering companies to be on a lookout for that would have the potential to be trustworthy enough to be able to handle your event and not to disappoint.
These qualities are:
Firstly, the quality to be on a lookout for is experience- the time a catering company has spent in the field and in practice. Normally, the longer the company has been in operation, the more knowledgeable, experienced, and professional they will be. Also, the longer the company has been in operation, the more connections and good relationships they would have established with other companies that could supply provisions to your special day. A Catering Company In Cape Town with over 10 years of experience is Out of This Planet Catering, who has acquired vast amount of knowledge and skills in regards to high quality of service to customers and customer satisfaction, as well as has established numerous connections with other suppliers to truly ensure a grand and memorable celebration for you and your family.
Secondly, a catering company’s staff has to be highly trained and patient, as well as being able to pick up on smallest details of their clients’ views and desires for the celebration. Being able to hear what the clients wants and to be able to not only meet, but exceed their expectations truly makes the catering company stand out above its competitors. It’s that dedication to a high quality service and attention to detail that has allowed Out of this Planet Catering to become one of the highest rated catering companies in Cape Town, exceeding all their clients’ expectations, and paying particular attention to every detail to ensure the celebration is met in terms of the clients’ envisions for it. The staff is both knowledgeable and creative, and so are able to understand the clients when they describe the celebration to them. 
And lastly, quality over quantity really does go a long way in terms of customer satisfaction, not only in large companies, but in small ones as well. Being able to provide an absolutely outstanding service, exceeding clients’ expectations, and still sticking within budget requires some skill, good connections and some knowledge of the field- and this is what Out of This Planet Catering provides. They ensure a grand and memorable celebration, designed and tweaked up to the smallest details, while still sticking to the clients’ budgets. Their abilities to be both empathetic and sympathetic towards their clients’ costs is what truly puts the cherry on top for this company, in comparison to many catering companies in Cape Town, who mostly are focused on making a profit.
If you are looking for someone to provide event catering in Cape Town or provide you with private party catering, then Out of This Planet catering is definitely one that meets all of the above qualities to make it a trustworthy and reliable company to trust your grand and memorable event with.

Out of this Planet Catering
‘With over 10 years of experience with regards to catering for events’


Dental hygiene is a crucial part of maintaining health and ensuring overall well-being of each and every individual. But, with all this said, one cannot predict the incidences that could happen at any point in time and could cause damage to one’s teeth, could decrease dental health and could even potentially result in immense amounts of pain, causing one to desperately seek out a dentist to help treat your current dental condition or injury.
Looking for a dentist in extreme situations, such as emergencies, such as a sudden tooth injury or a loose denture, is quite difficult as most dentist appointments are booked months in advance. Finding a Dentist who would be compassionate enough to move his or her priorities aside to accommodate and help you is very unique and very rare, so one would either need good connections or references, or would need to have a reliable doctor beforehand who would help in any emergency situation.
If you are looking for a Dentist In Cape Town who would be reliable, trustworthy and compassionate enough to accommodate you in extreme times of need, as well as provide you with the best possible service on short notice, then contact Century Dental Centre to meet the dentist and his team of knowledgeable nurses and assistants. Get to know them, and see their work ethic and attitude for yourself, and you will be sure to know that your teeth and dental well-being is in good hands, and will always be taken care of, even in extreme moments.
Century Dental Centre are knowledgeable and skilled to treat any condition, emergency or not, that could potentially arise, and are aware of all the medical procedures and expectations one may have to talk them through the procedure and help you back towards pain-free dental health. They provide you with all the medical procedures to ensure that you are taken care of and that you are in good health, leaving any payment procedures for last and making sure that payments are the least of your worries. They even provide you with numerous payment plans, options and loans in order to ensure that you are healthy and taken care of, without the stress of paying for your treatment.
Finding a dentist that truly cares about your health and well-being, and one that would accommodate you at any time in emergency situations is extremely difficult. But Century Dental Centre is one of the dental practices that respects their clients, cares for them enough, and is empathetic towards both their health and their budget, and so go through extreme measures and great lengths in order to ensure that their patients are taken care of to the best quality of medical procedures, as well as try to ensure that their patientsremain as pain-free and as stress-free as possible.

Century Dental Centre
' giving you the opportunity to have the medical procedure you have always wanted, when you want it'

Re-cycling Made Modern, Fashionable and Affordable

Re-upholstery has become a big point of interest amongst the general public, especially within recent years as re-cycling and re-use of old items has become more and more emphasized, instilled and promoted. The general public has been led to recognize the importance of re-using personal items instead of simply disposing of them, which would potentially result to additional costs as the items disposed of have to be replaced, but which would also result in the contribution to overall levels of pollution to the environment, as the objects, which could be re-used, are now being thrown away and left to rot.
Upholstery Works recognizes and chooses to side with the ideology of re-using personal furniture items through ‘re-freshing’ or ‘re-designing’ them in order to make old items look as good as new for a third of the price of acquiring a new piece of furniture. They try to encourage more and more people to adopt a similar mind-frame and choose to rather renew their personal items instead of just disposing of them, and replacing the previously owned items with new ones.
Upholstery Works focuses on the re-upholstery of furniture, and, through this, encourages individuals to choose to re-upholster their owned furniture to make it look as good as new, rather than throwing them away. Upholstery Works have some of the best Upholstery Fabricsin Cape Town with a wide variety for their clients to choose from. They ensure high standards of work provided to their clients, accompanying the high quality service with material quality used in re-upholstery of clients’ furniture.
Re-upholstery, as well as upholstery as a whole, has been widely promoted by Upholstery Works through their caring attitude and expertise, and have received great success and recognition within the field as upholding the reputation of being one of the best. They have gained and maintained a reputation of not only being reliable upholstery suppliers in CapeTown, but have become a well-established source of thorough and trustworthy service to all their clients. They have never left clients disappointed, and instead have provided their client with professionalism, ensuring the attitude of care is conveyed to clients.
Upholstery Works supports and promotes a good, high morale amongst the workers on their team, so that that morale is transferred into the high quality of service that they provide to clients. The team is knowledgeable, highly-skilled and have outstanding people-skills in order to hear out each and every client that walks through their doors, and deliver upon the expectations and desires of clients for their furniture.
Upholstery Works is the Upholstery Supplier In Cape Town to be on a lookout for if you are looking to invest in re-modelling your furniture items, and are not willing to instead spend double, if not triple, the amount of money buying new furniture from expensive stores. Rather invest your money in re-using old items of furniture in an affordable, but yet modern and fashionable manner, ultimately achieving your goal of re-modelling your home whilst saving you time and money.
Upholstery Works
' we are proud of the achievements we have made in providing our clients with top of the range manufactured furniture or top quality re-upholstery'


One’s ides about potential construction and building plans, landscaping designs and one’s visions towards potential success of their ideas are important aspects that drive us towards achieving those visions and dreams, and making them a reality, with the hopes of achieving a successful life and career. These visons and dreams, though, cannot be achieved by one person alone- they require a knowledgeable and experienced set of hands that would understand these visions, and carry forth the ideas into reality at a reasonably affordable price for their service.
GI-Group is an established company who prioritize themselves on exactly that- their abilities to understand others’ ideas and visions towards a potential career or contribution to society, help them determine realistic expectations, monetary amounts and impacts of their visions, and help carry out these visions and dreams to truly make them a reality.
GI-Group is highly skilled and knowledgeable in providing their clients with Civilengineering Contractors, Building Contractors, as well as Landscaping Contractors, to really place them in the category of being one of the best and most reliable construction companies in South Africa. They are available to provide their clients with all the potential expertise, knowledge and advice they would need to start construction, and finish within a time-efficient frame, in order to help their clients kick-start their dreams as soon as possible.
Whether your dreams are to build the newest modern shopping centre, or to build a new office block, or even to build a new museum- GI-Group will help provide you with the best possible service at the most affordable of prices. GI-Group is empathetic towards their clients’ costs and investments, and know exactly how costly construction projects may be. But they are determined to help their clients’ dreams a reality, and so are motivated to provide their services at the best possible pace, and at the best possible price. GI-Group’s team of Construction Contractors and Building Contractors approach each and every client with the attitude of providing them with help and assistance, paying little attention to making a profit or trying to make as much income flow into their own business.
GI-Group provide all their clients with an attitude of acceptance and determination, all of which they try to show through their work. This attitude is what drives the team at GI-Group and ultimately drives their clients’ will to succeed in any project or vision they put their minds to.
“Experience counts and when it comes to our knowledge and our skills, you can count on the GI Group Team to deliver your project on budget and on time”

Thursday 30 March 2017

Best Service to Guarantee Long Periods of Being Completely Problem-Free

Are you looking forward towards moving and selling your current property? Are you looking forward towards improving your current home and possibly building on to it? Or maybe are you looking to start your own business or building on to your current business premises?
In each of these scenarios, electrical, plumbing and pest concerns have to be considered and eliminated before proceeding towards your ultimate goal. So, therefore, for all the above mentioned concerns to be identified and eradicated, highly trained and knowledgeable professionals have to be brought in on site and allowed the opportunity to share their expertise with you- their clients.
If you are based in Cape Town and are in need of this expertise and professionalism, then Technobugs is your ultimate first choice in highly trained companies, who will be able to provide you with thorough electrical inspections in Cape Town, as well as with high quality plumbing inspections in Cape Town, and provide you with a thorough report of all possible concerns and hazards, as well as ways to proceed to eliminate these potential problems, and guarantee their clients a safe and problem-free environment for living and working in.
Technobugs provide their high quality electrical inspections in Cape Town to any client that is in need of their professional expertise and services. They will provide their clients with a thorough inspection, paying close attention to smallest of details, ensuring that no electrical fault or hazard is left unnoticed and unrecorded. Maintaining their professional attitude in order to provide a high quality service to clients is a priority to Technobugs, and so ensure that their team is always highly skilled, highly equipped and have a high morale and attitude in order to provide the best quality and standards of service to their clients, making sure that the clients’ investments in their business is one that is worth every penny and is one that guarantees long-term problem-free living and operation within particular spaces.
Technobugs’ plumbing inspections in Cape Town do not veer far off the same path and the same attitude as their electrical inspections, as the highly trained team is enforced in the same manner and is trained to provide the most thorough of services to their clients, ensuring that no potential hazard is left unnoticed or disregarded, and that every potential problem is recorded and is fixed to ensure long-term periods of problem-free living and operations within particular spaces and sites that they have inspected.
Technobugs are motivated to perform the best quality of service, within a reasonable amount of time, and within the clients’ budgets to ensure that their services are both stand-out and are efficient and cost-effective, especially in the long-run. They provide their services with the hopes that clients see their attitude being towards quality, and not profit-oriented, allowing clients to return back to them, looking for a service unique from that of its competitors.

Techno-Bugs Central
‘ driven to deliver the best possible service at all times’